The 19th Annotation Of

Of St. Ignatius of Loyola


The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola offered in the 19th annotation format helps participants know Jesus intimately, love him deeply and serve him wholeheartedly.

Accompanied by a spiritual director, and over a nine-month period, participants pray imaginatively through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

A Little More Background

Written in the 16th Century by St. Ignatius of Loyola, this series of prayer exercises were designed to be undertaken with a guide over thirty days devoting five hours each day to specific prayer experiences. Aware that some would not be able to undertake a program with such a generous schedule, St. Ignatius made a series of “annotations” or notes at the beginning of the exercises indicating that the retreat experience could be changed to accommodate the individual. One of those annotations, the 19th, indicated that if the retreatant was unable to set aside a full thirty days for a retreat they might make them over a period of 30 weeks, engaging in one of the prayer experiences each day.


  • Participate in the exercises with a group of people approximately once a month. These will be in person or virtual depending on your group. The days and times of the group meetings and the retreat costs are unique to each director.

  • Each retreatant is provided a personal director. Each month in between group sessions individuals meet one-on-one with their retreat director. Sessions may be in person or virtual so as not to worry if your director is not in your region.

  • Spend five hours each week praying through the retreat materials. Instructions and materials are assigned by your director to guide you through this journey.

New Groups Starting September 2023

Below you will find a list of directors who are offering the retreat this year. More information is coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to any of these directors with questions you might have.